Farmer-led groups supported by FSF

Calument County Ag Stewardship Alliance | Calumet County
CCASA is a nonprofit group of innovative farmers, committed community members and other professional partners dedicated to championing sustainable farming practices that protect water quality and build healthy soil.

Driftless Area Ag Alliance | Southeast Minnesota Counties
Driftless Area Ag Alliance is a collaboration of local farm members and industry supporters who connect with conservation resources, promote best-known management practices and participate in incentive programs.

Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance | Lafayette County
The Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance (LASA) is a farmer-led, nonprofit organization committed to faithful and sustainable stewardship of our natural resources. Through innovation and collaboration, LASA identifies, shares and promotes conservation practices that demonstrate continuous improvement and preserve and enhance the quality of life in the community.

Peninsula Pride Farms | Door and Kewaunee Counties
Peninsula Pride Farms (PPF) is a farmer-led, nonprofit group of local farmers. Their mission is to be caretakers of the environment, we are committed to protecting, nurturing and sustaining our precious soil, water and air. To foster environmental stewardship, we will promote practices with measurable outcomes that secure and enrich the future of our shared community.

Seven Rivers Soil Cooperative | Manitowoc County
The Seven Rivers Soil Cooperative is a non-profit organization led by farmers to protect the water quality of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The cooperative’s mission is to protect the water that drains into Lake Michigan and other bodies of water.

Sheboygan River Progressive Farmers | Sheboygan County
The Sheboygan River Progressive Farmers (SRPF) explore farming strategies that lead to greater farming efficiency, sustain profitability and lessen the impact on the environment. Members of the alliance share information gained through field trials with fellow farmers in the hope of increasing the sustainability of farming across the basin. Lastly, the group strives to foster an understanding of the role of agriculture in the community.

Western Wisconsin Conversation Council | St. Croix County
The Western Wisconsin Conservation Council (WWCC) is a farmer-led, nonprofit group of local farmers dedicated to promoting water conservation, environmentally sound agricultural practices, and engagement with our communities.

Yahara Pride Farms | Dane County
Yahara Pride Farms is a farmer-led, not-for-profit organization working to improve soil and water quality. We strive to help advance new ideas and technology that balance water quality improvement with farm sustainability and profitability.