Bryan Stanek
Background: what you do/how you got involved with sustainability?
Sustainability is at the heart of all farmers. Growing up in agriculture, I’ve noticed a trend toward increased involvement and education in new technology, conservation, and sustainability. At Compeer Financial, I am focused on finding new opportunities and solutions for clients and staying ahead of the consumer landscape. There have been many opportunities to be involved in the carbon and sustainability economy. In the second half of my career, I plan to focus on helping farmers with program development and education.
What farmer-led group are you involved in, and what do you enjoy about the group?
Compeer Financial is part of the Farm Credit Services, a farmer-owned financial cooperative network. Since starting my career 25 years ago, I quickly came to appreciate the impact of providing steady credit investments that farmers need. We have roughly 70,000 farmer owners who benefit from Compeer’s focus on agriculture investment and services. I have worked to provide leadership to rural American farmers during my career. It has allowed me to be a spokesperson for agriculture at different levels of government, education systems and community events.
Why did you want to join FSF and serve on the board?
Farmers for Sustainable Food embodies what I’m currently working towards in my professional career: creating new channels of value for farmers while advocating for the agronomic practices that farmers are already doing. Growing up in the dairy industry and advancing my career, this is an opportunity for me to contribute my energy to advance the mission of FSF.
Why should others join FSF?
Farmers today need resources and support to assist them in navigating their business through the developing channel of sustainability and conservation. All farmers want the most from their operations for productivity; FSF can help them advance their businesses by providing tools and education. Connected to the Climate-Smart funding, FSF can also provide a channel of opportunity for family farms to grow and prosper in a consumer-demanded world to be accountable to sustainability. FSF will make a difference in our farmer community by ensuring we align resources, networks, tools, measurement and a voice.